South Padre Island, initially known as “white sand” or “Isla Blanca” in 1519, is situated on the tropical tip of Texas. Jose Nicholas Balli, a missionary priest in the early 1800s, was the first individual to establish a settlement on the Island. They received their initial grant by King Charles IV of Spain. South Padre Island came into being in 1973 and it’s linked to the mainland by the two and a half mile Queen Isabella Bridge. The bridge was built and completed a year later. Laguna Madre Bay and Mexico’s Gulf borders the South Padre Island,

South Padre Island has about 5,000 permanent residents. As this is the case, most of its inhabitants are global visitors. The Island is an all year round vacation spot with more than one million travelers visiting annually. The South Padre Island is a well renowned travel spot especially because of its sub tropical climate and beaches. Approximately two hundred and fifty three days in a year are characterized by striking and beautiful sunshine. During summer, the average temperature is 82 degrees fahrenheit and an approximate temperature of 65 degrees fahrenheit during favorable winters, the Island’s climate is undeniably favorable as one of the most desired beach vacation hotspots.

What makes the Island particularly an intriguing vacation spot for many tourists is its stunning beaches. The Island’s beaches are an ultimate backdrop for uttermost relaxation, particularly when sipping your favorite cocktail or flipping through your favorite novel. The beaches are characterized with a relaxed atmosphere, not to mention the incredible weather that will unquestionably take you aback. South Padre beaches are perfect destinations for both short vacations and long seasonal vacations. Moreover, the beaches are the best for any family vacation. However, if you intend to visit alone, it doesn’t mean that your beach vacation experience will be anything less than enthralling.

As much as most tourists travel to satisfy their relaxation desires, some travelers search for activities to quench their adventurist’s thirst. Kite boarding and wind surfing are popular activities in South Padre Island, probably the only ones that draw so many tourists across the globe. The South Padre Island’s waves are utterly favorable for these activities. Surfing and boating on the Island will certainly give any adventurous traveler the ultimate vacation. Horseback riding is also a common activity in the Padre Island, a perfect option to mundane beach relaxation.

The South Padre Island is also a popular location for conferences and meetings, and sure enough, it is rapidly growing to be one of the best in the South West. The Island is an ultimate travel destination for many, mainly because of its fantastic climate which allows for all year round visits. The South Padre Island is undoubtedly a stunning travel destination that lures many global tourists who keep returning for more exhilarating vacations, whether adventure or relaxation on the beach is what they seek.