The Kalalau Valley is a large valley along the Nā Pali Coast that is popular for its breathtaking scenery and great camping and hiking. The only way to access Kalalau Valley by foot is the 11-mile Nā Pali Coast trail that starts at the end of the road near Keʻe Beach. The trail is narrow with very large drop-offs and cliffs along it. The Nā Pali Coast trail is carved into the hillside of the Nā Pali Coast and drops down into a couple of river crossings that have small beaches. The beaches have signs warning people that the currents are dangerous along the beaches and a few memorials to unfortunate swimmers who have died on these beaches. The trail is maintained, but can have wash outs and damage in the wintertime during storms and some of the river crossings can be tricky after heavy rain.

Kalalau, Valley, Nā Pali, Coast, kauai

You can also kayak or boat to Kalalau Valley if you have access to a boat and the skills to do it. There are also secluded beaches down the coast a bit from Kalalau Valley that can only be accessed by boat or kayak.

Inside Kalalau Valley is very spectacular; the walls of the valley are 2000ft tall, lush green with life, and waterfalls pouring down the sides. The waterfalls are so tall that they partly turn into mist and if the sun is just right, you can see rainbows from the mist along the lush cliff walls.

Kalalau Valley has mostly nice weather and very nice living conditions. In the old days, native Hawaiians lived in the valley and you can still see remains and ruins of their old lives. If you look around when you are hiking, you can see terraces from old farms and level platforms that were used for various activities.

Camping in Kalalau Valley is allowed with a permit from the parks department. There are some really nice camp spots along the beach with a river nearby. Many travelers on a tight budget, hippies and dropouts guerrilla camp in Kalalau Valley. It is recommended to get a permit if you can because the official camping spots are much nicer than the hidden ones and the rangers do come in and check for permits occasionally.

If you are adventurous enough to make it into Kalalau Valley, it is definitely worth the effort to experience one of the most spectacular valleys in the Hawaiian Islands.